
Licenses and approvals are not guaranteed in all jurisdictions.

​Life Miner intends to operate in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations and will make every effort to obtain the necessary licenses and approvals. It is likely that licenses and/or regulatory approvals will be required in a number of relevant jurisdictions in which relevant activities may occur. This means that the development and implementation of all initiatives described in this white paper are not guaranteed. No assurance can be given, and no one makes any representations, warranties or guarantees, that such licenses or approvals will be obtained within any given timeframe or at all. As such, the initiatives described in this white paper may not be available in certain jurisdictions, or at all.

This may require the restructuring of these initiatives and/or their unavailability in some or all respects. In addition, the development of any initiatives will be implemented in stages. During certain phases of development, the project may rely on relationships with certain licensed third parties. If these entities are no longer appropriately licensed in the relevant jurisdiction, this will impact Life Miner’s ability to rely on the services of that party.


This website does not constitute any investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or recommendation by Life Miner, its affiliates or their respective officers, directors, managers, employees, agents, consultants or advisors on the merits of purchasing tokens, nor should it be relied upon in connection with any other contract or purchasing decision.


​This website does not constitute a prospectus or offering document for financial services and is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security, investment product, regulated product or financial instrument in any jurisdiction.

No representations

​Nenhuma representação ou garantia foi feita ao destinatário deste website ou a seus consultores quanto à exatidão ou integridade das informações, declarações, opiniões ou assuntos (expressos ou implícita) decorrentes, contidas ou derivadas deste website ou de qualquer omissão deste website ou de qualquer outra informação ou opinião escrita ou oral fornecida agora ou no futuro a qualquer parte interessada ou seus consultores. Nenhuma representação ou garantia é dada quanto à realização ou razoabilidade de quaisquer planos, projeções futuras ou perspectivas e nada neste website é ou deve ser considerado uma promessa ou representação quanto ao futuro. Na medida do possível, toda a responsabilidade por qualquer perda ou dano de qualquer tipo (previsível ou não e quer a Life Miner tenha ou não sido avisada da possibilidade de tal perda ou dano) que possa surgir de qualquer pessoa agindo com base em qualquer informação e opiniões contidas neste website ou qualquer informação disponibilizada em conexão com quaisquer consultas adicionais, não obstante qualquer negligência, inadimplência ou falta de cuidado, é isenta de responsabilidade.

Dados de terceiros

Este website contém dados e referências obtidas de fontes de terceiros. Embora a administração acredite que estes dados são precisos e confiáveis, eles não foram sujeitos a auditoria, verificação ou análise independente por quaisquer consultores profissionais jurídicos, contábeis, de engenharia ou financeiros. Não há garantia quanto à precisão, confiabilidade ou integridade dos dados.

Referências de terceiros

As referências neste website a empresas, redes e/ou possíveis casos de uso específicos são apenas para fins ilustrativos. O uso de nomes e marcas registradas de qualquer empresa e/ou plataforma não implica qualquer afiliação, recomendação ou endosso de qualquer uma dessas partes. Todas as referências a ‘dólares’, USD ou ‘$’ são referências aos dólares dos Estados Unidos, salvo indicação em contrário.


​Todos os gráficos incluídos neste website são apenas para fins ilustrativos. Em particular, os gráficos com referências de preços não se traduzem em informações reais sobre preços.

Declarações de risco

A aquisição de produtos atrelados a criptomoedas envolve riscos substanciais e pode levar à perda de uma quantia substancial ou total do dinheiro envolvido. Antes de adquirir qualquer produto/serviço Life Miner, você deve avaliar cuidadosamente e levar em consideração os riscos, incluindo aqueles listados em qualquer outra documentação. Os compradores só devem adquirir produtos Life Miner se compreenderem totalmente a natureza das criptomoedas e aceitarem os riscos inerentes.

Cryptocurrencies may be subject to expropriation and/or theft; hackers or other malicious groups or organizations may attempt to interfere with our system/network in a variety of ways, including malware attacks, denial-of-service attacks, consensus-based attacks, Sybil attacks, smurfing, and spoofing, which may result in the loss of your cryptocurrencies or the loss of your ability to access or control your cryptocurrencies. In such cases, there may be no remedy, and cryptocurrency holders are not guaranteed any remedy, refund, or compensation. The regulatory status of digital assets is currently unclear, varies across jurisdictions, and is subject to significant uncertainty. It is possible that in the future, certain laws, regulations, policies, or rules may be implemented regarding digital assets, blockchain technology, or blockchain applications that may directly or indirectly affect or restrict holders’ right to acquire, possess, hold, sell, convert, trade, or use cryptocurrencies. Uncertainty in tax laws relating to digital assets may expose holders to tax consequences associated with the use or trading of cryptocurrencies. Digital assets and related products and services carry significant risks. Prospective purchasers should consider all of the above and assess the nature of and their own appetite for the relevant risks independently and consult their advisors before making any decisions.

Professional advice

​You should consult with an attorney, accountant, tax professional and/or any other professional advisor as necessary before determining whether to purchase Life Miner products/services.

Forward-looking statements

This website contains certain forward-looking statements relating to the business we operate that are based on Life Miner’s belief, as well as certain assumptions made by and information available to Life Miner. Forward-looking statements, by their nature, are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements may involve estimates and assumptions and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors beyond our control and prediction. Accordingly, these factors may cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made, and we undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Licenses and approvals are not guaranteed in all jurisdictions.

Life Miner intends to operate in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations and will make every effort to obtain the necessary licenses and approvals. It is likely that licenses and/or regulatory approvals will be required in a number of relevant jurisdictions in which relevant activities may occur. This means that the development and implementation of all initiatives described in this white paper are not guaranteed. No assurance can be given, and no one makes any representations, warranties or guarantees, that such licenses or approvals will be obtained within any given timeframe or at all. As such, the initiatives described in this white paper may not be available in certain jurisdictions, or at all.

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